Yuruyaka Zen Seitai/Yoga + Alexander Technique

The Ultimate Self-Care Collaboration

This collaboration session aims to teach self-care techniques that allow you to address pain and discomfort before they become issues. It combines Yuruyaka Zen Seitai/Yoga and the Alexander Technique for better body conditioning.

In our introductory course, we'll explore what Yuruyaka Zen Seitai is and introduce the Alexander Technique, including demonstrations. We'll explain the synergistic effects of combining bodywork with the Alexander Technique and how they effectively alleviate chronic pain and stress.

After understanding the significance of this collaboration in the introductory course, we'll move on to regular individual sessions. Here, you'll experience the benefits of both Seitai/Yoga and the Alexander Technique. During workshops, you'll learn about basic body anatomy, breathing techniques inspired by yoga, and effective stretching exercises. As the sessions progress, the workshops will evolve with varying themes, deepening your understanding of your body.


Yuruyaka Zen Seitai/YOGA


Kaoru Takeda

Certified Yuruyaka Zen Seitai Therapist by the International Yuruyaka Association
Certified Yoga Instructor by Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute
Certified Instructor by the Japan Yoga Zen Do Yu Kai

Kaoru Takeda overcame her struggles with stress, shoulder stiffness, and arm pain through yoga and Yuruyaka Zen Seitai. Eager to assist others in the Boston area with similar issues, she studied Seitai, blending the essence of yoga into her practice to create a unique self-maintenance method. With two decades spent exploring body and mind fundamentals, her experience spans a decade in yoga instruction and nearly a decade in Seitai therapy. She offers yoga classes, including general, maternity, and postnatal sessions, and provides treatments and self-care guidance for those suffering from shoulder and back pain. Kaoru also organizes various workshops and events focusing on pain prevention and health. Discover her simple self-care tips on Instagram (@yoga_seitai_boston_kaoru).